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PROFESSIONAL MEMBERS are professional baseball players.  They have full 24/7 access to the facility. The facility has everything a baseball player needs to accommodate an off-season. Professional members will have the facility all to themselves during the off-season without distractions from 10am to 3pm. T will be there for you to provide his expertise or you can just use the facility at your own leisure.
COST: Monthly / Off-Season
Amenities Included: Post workout NSF certified supplements & water
PROFESSIONAL EXTENDED MEMBERS are professional baseball players that are rehabilitating an injury or are in-between teams. This membership is similar to the professional membership but requires special attention.  You will have full 24/7 access to the facility. No mater what your situation is we will have you back in the game in no time.
COST: Monthly / Off-Season
Amenities Included: Post workout NSF certified supplements & water
EXECUTIVE MEMBERS are non-baseball players or retired baseball players that are in the working world and want a private atmosphere to stay healthy. We will only accept 6 executive memberships. Each of the 6 members will have 24/7 access to the facility with some restrictions between November and February. This membership also comes with a constantly revised workout program designed by T.
COST: $400 per month.
Amenities Included: Post workout NSF certified supplements & water
PYBP MEMBERS are Parents that have a child or children that are Youth Baseball Players. The membership is designed to provide parents access to T's batting cage.  Access is allowed on Saturdays and Sundays from 10am to 5pm. Limited to 4 memberships.
COST: $400 per month + $50 for each additional sibling.
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